Friday, March 29, 2019

29th March 2019

Finishing the second row, with some deciduous and evergreen shrubs. 

28th March 2019

Second row started, after Dave digs it as we have drifted from the original trench. 

Sheep feign indifference, but they'll be back later! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

27th March 2019

Planting the hedge. 

We chose euonymus as it grows wild here, this is an evergreen variety. 

In between and more to the front will be native deciduous shrubs. 

Starting at the very begining! 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

15th of March 2019

Covering up the drain behind the wall with gravel and small stones, to provide good drainage before back filling.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

12th March 2019

Man & wall

Wobbly waffle plastic (yuk) behind the wall, to keep it dry. 

Dave secures the plastic with metal pieces from an old rotary washing line. 

Pouring the concrete in. 

Yep ! 'Tis level (enough!) 

More mixing. 

Eh voilà ! 

Wall with plastic backing and drain running behind, ready for filling in with rubble. 

11th March 2019

The plastic membrane goes behind the wall, its like a giant roll of black waffle! 

A mexican or Kilroy? 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

9th March 2019

Dave digs another drain, this time to collect and channel rain water collected from the roof. 

7th March 2019

Topping off the wall to make it level. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

4th March 2019

Dave set off to the quarry at 6:00am for the first of three trips to collect dry mix concrete.

Rudy and Stephane arrive at 8:00 just before Dave's first delivery. 

They mix and pour the first batch, into the gaps between the blocks, whilst Dave after a quick coffee returns to the quarry.

Around 11:30 he brings the last load.

They work until all the concrete is poured, which is nearly 2:00 pm. 

We have lunch and then they return to put shutting either side for the final layer which will level up the wall.

Here are the pictures from today:-

Friday, March 1, 2019

1st March 2019

Friday morning, some of the wall reaches its final height. 

Et voilà ! 

Finally the cat scan.... 

Dave and Rudy head off in the afternoon, to fetch the dry mix cement ready for monday. 

When they got to the quarry, they found that the quarry don't do dry mix on Friday afternoons 😳. 

Dave will have to be at the quarry first thing Monday morning (7:00am!)😊

Before the troops arrive!!