Tuesday, October 31, 2023

1st November 2023. Cactus

One day, when we have smellavision, you will appreciate why I love this cactus.....it is an intoxicating scent of very high quality.......a true Queen of the night as that's when she flowers... 🌺🌺🌺

31st October 2023...Le Taj Mahal.. Béziers .cats

20 years ago, I made the biggest decision of my life, and left a very comfortable existence to move in with my long lost love of 23 years...
We were young.🌹🎶🌹
Decided to move to France, 🇨🇵 and the rest as they say is history.
A celebration of the last 20 years we have been together, and the 23 years we missed out on!

Yummy 😋
Both had Thali...mine veggie with Dahl
Dave's was chicken and rice.
Dave looking a little startled....

Buster beside himself with joy legs everywhere...wish you could hear the purrrrrrrr!

Two new plants?

Friday, October 27, 2023

28th October 2023... Bringing in the jungle!

Some plants, notably these two, have been hanging around with the wisteria, and one is in full flower!

A spider hiding under a pot.

That must be Tarzan hanging on that vine!!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

23rd October 2023. Dave's birthday

Happy birthday....we went out for a pizza on Sunday and spent a relaxing day on Monday 23rd as all eateries are closed on Mondays.

65 today!

Buster joins in...
No wonder we are inside today.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

18th October 2023. Ceilings and rainbow.

Doing the new wiring for lights

En route to Castres
A rainbow over the most 1920s building I know.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

16th October 2023...more ceilings..

Dave putting up the polystyrene in the bathroom.

How the, almost completely finished second bedroom looks today....

Friday, October 13, 2023

13th October 2023....work continues on the downstairs ceilings now!

We (Dave, but I did offer to help!) Decided to insulate all the ceilings from a heat and sound insulation point of view.  We got some polystyrene foam to go between the downstairs beams, which we (Dave) will then plasterboard on top of.....

Dave putting up the very squeeky polystyrene!

Before and after, we are hoping that 
the white plasterboard
and the lower ceiling level will make the room brighter too 🙏🤞

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

11th October 2023.. Argelès-sur-Mer day 2.

A random selection from day 2.

A super Thai meal in Sabia Sabia
 in the center of Argelès-sur-Mer.
Sand removal!

Pink trumpet plant

Field mushrooms under pines??

Pine bark

Beach babes!😂🤣😂

Bracket fungus

The path between the campsite and the 
Thai restaurant is 2.2km long.
I walked it........both ways!!🤪

Like this....

Monday, October 9, 2023

10th October 2023.. Argelès-sur-Mer (2 nights away in the camper car).

The Pyrenees

A man desperate to use his metal detector!

Our spot! Number 4

Do you see a T and an A on the board?

The double decker camper behind us was enormous and had automatic steps which reminded us both of the film The Navigator!

These are called Laughing gym, and apparently they are hallucinagenic !!

9th October 2023... bedroom progress.

This is how far it all is...might decide to keep the bed there 🤔

Sunday, October 8, 2023

8th October 2023...garden, cooking & bedroom.

The garden has now cooled a bit, it's about 26°C and things are starting to grow again...

Anik tells me about a dish called Tien, it's med veg sliced and cooked together....here is my attempt..
Vegetables being similar size might have helped, 😳cooked in the sun oven....it was ok, not dissimilar to ratatouille really!

Dave is still in the bedroom!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

4th October 2023. Water leek, Sichuan pepper.

We have had a leek in the water pipes and eventually the mairie tracked it down!
Considering the summer we have had, the notices going up for saving water, and all the while this amount of water was being lost in this leek .☹️😡😱
We now have so much pressure (as never before) that we are going to have to be fitted with a device to lower the pressure in 

I've been picking the Sichuan peppers at Carl's

Two days in my net dryer. Perfectly ready!

More from...room 101 😱😱

Ok that should at the start of this blog page.