Friday, April 24, 2020

25th April 2020 Planting Beans

Jane has started to plant in the garden, we created a frame with canes for the beans

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

22nd April 2020 Wisteria

Due to the rain the Wisteria had lost a lot of its flowers. 

This had made the terrace quite slippery 

So time to clean it up. 

Monday, April 20, 2020

21st April 2020 strange clouds

We had a Strange wall of cloud come up the valley, it was quite eerie. 

But an hour later it had cleared. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

12th April 2020 More backfilling

The cost of proper capping stones for the wall was very expensive, but luckily when we bought the land, a load of roofing tiles were also included, on Janes suggestion we tried them instead, they have made a nice job. 

I have managed to backfill the last bit of wall, it took a while as I had to lift most of the rocks and soil up and over the wall. 

Then I put a second coat of paint on the wall. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

11th April 2020

Dave begins on painting the wall, 
but the sun gets a bit hot, so he moves to the other end... Now you can watch paint dry! 

Dave puts some soil behind the tiles. 

I call these Californian poppies, but I'm not sure thats right! 

The Capricorn beetles are out and about! 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

9th April 2020 Bees & Wall

The mason bees were so happy with the new "appartement" block made from Mike & Sarahs old mantle shelf.. That Dave made them a new one... When they are all sealed in we will move them to a better place... 

All tiles places on wall.. Dave has bravely faced the challenge of driving to diy shop to buy paint! 
Watch this space! 

PS bees will probably end up on the returns (and up the bank,) of this wall as then they will be nearer the garden too... 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

4th April 2020

Our wisteria is now in flower and the carpenter bee's are having a field day.

Th mason bee's have also been working hard,
They have nearly filled the tower block we gave them

There are now a nice lot of irises out in the garden

And the black and red mulbury trees we planted last year are starting to come out in leaf

27th March 2020 Tree felling

The snow has now disappeared, time to get rid of an ash tree that gives too much shade in the summer.