Thursday, December 31, 2020

9th January 2021

Snow, and small footprints!

Taking a picture first of evey month to make next year's calendar.
Cats vs Sheep

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

30th December 2020

Buddy likes helping with the jigsaws... fortunately not the real sort!!

The piece of land we are selling to Yul is taking shape, he has big plans!

We drove over to Sahuc to check on an open window, and these are some of the pictures coming back...

Thursday, December 24, 2020

25th December 2020

We had snow....not a lot, but enough to coat the ground.
Oh yes and roast lunch, Dave had some beef.

Monday, November 30, 2020

29th November 2020

Sorry just realised that, I've already done a blog on this....but it is ongoing....😃🤞💜

Our first attempt at "no dig" garden, first double layer cardboard, soaked.

Then the soil layer

The three beds we did last week are behind Dave, we have now 8 beds like this....and counting!

28th November 2020

Some more Buster &Buddy pics!

Buddy playing with his favourite tail
(apart from his own of course)
Budget toys!
Helping Dave repair the radiator.
Buddys paws, match perfectly.

Wot us, we've dun noffin

Monday, November 23, 2020

22nd November 2020

We decided to use a new method for gardening (new to us !) Called "no dig" involves lots of cardboard and compost/soil.
We still have a lot of soil leftover from digging out behind the house, its very good soil, but full of stones .

SO Dave made a huge sieve and sieved all the soil, whilst I cut up and stipped sellotaped from cardboard boxes .

Some veg beds we did earlier.

Cutting up one of our pumpkins.
We had about 6 this year.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

19th November 2020

More kitten pictures, or the life and times of Buddy aged 2½ months

Learning to fall fast asleep, anywhere....

Learning Scrabble


Cuddles with my big bro

Playing with Buster bros tail whilst he tries to wash...

Learning to share

Learning to get into the bowl first!

Learning to play cute cat..

11th November 2020

Some more flowers on the zig zag cactus... unfortunately they flower at night, the flower lasts all the next day.
The scent when it first opens is overpowering, but by next morning has faded.

9th November 2020

Induction hob gets a real test with pumpkin curry, dhal and rice!
Great (and strange) thing is I and the kitchen, don't get hot...that happens after we eat the pumpkin curry!

6th November 2020

Buster 5½months and Buddy 2½months

Sunday, November 8, 2020

2nd November 2020

Some of my Hoyas, have burst into flower !

Hoya linaris

Hoya Australis

Zig zag cactus about to burst into flower.

Can't remember the name cactus!

30th October 2020

Our blue moon view!