Thursday, August 29, 2019

29th August 2019

Todays harvest.

Carla gave me these tomato plants, full of fruit mostly this size. 

We've had the "nose" now we have the ..........? 

Yet more Aubergines and peppers! 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

25th August 2019

A few more vegetables 

Mighty Marrow

Another first, cantaloupe type melon

Cayenne peppers
Mixed Tom's and capsicum 

Yellow Cherry Tomatoes 
More Cayenne Peppers
First cucumbers 

Scotch Bonnets! 
Possibly a birds eye chilli? 
(was bought as Scotch Bonnets) 

Courgettes (not too many!) 
French dwarf beans, picking nearly every day.... 
Garden view(corn patch) 
Garden view (looking towards tomatoes) 
Another Massive Marrow

Thursday, August 22, 2019

21st August 2019

First sweetcorn 

Yet more (5kg) Aubergine 
Green beans

Look at the nose on this aubergine! 

Uuummmmm !