Thursday, May 30, 2019

30th May 2019

Raking out and collecting the stones. Hot and not too windy today, although we wet down some of the soil to stop it blowing away! 

26th May 2019 Rotovating

Rudy is helping prepare the veg plot and has brought a rotorvator, luckily we still have the digger here, as the ground is too solid so we dig it a little first.

Now we can use the rotorvator. 

25th May 2019

Jane starts some planting, radishes in a few weeks, yum yum.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

15th May 2019

Another construction 

A pile of gravel. 

A box of tricks. Can you see what it is yet? 

A greenhouse!! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

15th May 2019

Nearly finished the new stone wall in the vegetable garden. Just a few more lauzes needed for the topping stones. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

8th May Day 4

The wall is progressing well, 

I have also managed to use the digger to roughly level the piles of soil for a garden

Although it is level the digger has compressed it quite a bit so I am planning to use a rotorvator to break up the soil to allow me to finish the leveling with a rake. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

7th May 2019 wall day 3

The he wall is progressing slowly, it will be nice when it is finished.