Wednesday, February 27, 2019

27th February 2019

A few more pictures from the wall.... 

3 men in the field are erecting the fence, 2 men in the west wing are erecting a wall! 

Sometimes difficult to know who was making the most noise! 

No wall is complete without a "cat" scan! 

27th February 2019

Progress on the wall... 

27th February 2019

Tying the horizontal rods together

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

End of day one short video. 

25th & 26th February 2019

Work begins on the wall... Firstly Dave spends all day, drilling and planting the metal uprights. 

On 26th he is joined by Rudy, who helps start the first layers of blocks, they weigh 22kg each! 

Each one is threaded between the metal uprights and a horizontal bar is put between each layer. 

Also the men in the field in the last but one photo are putting in the new fence, so soon we can plant the hedge, and not have it eaten by the sheep! 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

No work today the lambs just want to play

We now have six lambs in the field that are enjoying the sunny weather.

Video of lamb playing......

Friday, February 22, 2019

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

20th February 2019

Progress whilst waiting for the wall to be delivered tomorrow! 

The drain seen here is extra to the drain going behind the wall. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

18th February 2019

A small invasion of sheep... The fence posts are in the field, but the sheep farmers dad (whos putting up the fence) has failed to arrive YET! 

14th February 2019

Dave had some ready mix concrete (dry) over, from doing the footings. 

He decided to put a hardstanding in front of the "hanger" (french for barn!). 

This also meant changing the drains, so he was busy for days! 

All done now and looking good! 

28th January 2019

Our first snow of the winter..

Snow stopped play! 

17th January 2019

Dave continues with project wall, and puts in the footings.